
PSSC aims to facilitate communication and solidarity between autonomous youth crews and organizations in Pittsburgh.
Coalition participants maintain complete organizational autonomy. Our role is to support and amplify already-existing autonomous projects, not to impose or co-opt.
Live communism, spread anarchy, and fucking smash the heteropatriarchy.
Twitter – @PghStudentsPSSC.
Solidarity means mutual aid. We’re here to help!
Ask us to:
– Promote your events through social media, our email list, our weekly summary of events, or through our fliering squad.
– Provide supplies such as sign board, banners, paint, markers, supplementary funds, printing, clothing, food, sidewalk chalk, megaphones etc.
– Book rooms, throw benefit parties and shows, hold facilitation and anti-oppression trainings, etc.
– Write op-eds or distribute pamphlets, zines, and other publications.
– Attend your rallies, teach-ins, film screenings, meetings, anything!